Letras Love You Brawl Stars
▲ to become spoiledEl niño se echó a perder con las malas compañías.The boy was spoiled by the bad company he kept. ° perder de vista to lose sight ofAl volver la esquina le perdimos de vista.When we turned the corner we lost sight of him. ° perderse to go to the dogsSe perdió con la bebida.He went to the dogs because he liked to drink.
° tirarse a (reír, plañir) to begin or start to . ° echarse atrás to back out, withdrawCuento con Ud., no se vaya a echar atrás.I\’m counting on you not to back out. medida measure, measurementsVoy a tomarle la medida.I\’m going to take your measurements. ▲ rule, measureAquella medida afectaba al mundo entero.That rule applied to everybody. ▲ number, size¿Cuál es su medida de calzado? ° a medida to order, to measure, custom-madeEl traje está hecho a la medida.The suit\’s custom-made.
Tyrone Simpson
° ponerse seguro to escape, reach safetyPudo ponerse a salvo del incendio.He was able to escape from the fire. ° salvo que unlessSalvo que llueva bastante, vamos a ir al campo.Unless it rains hard, we\’ll go to the country. generar to produceEse país produce bastante café.That country produces a lot of coffee. ▲ to produce, causeUn abandono de alguien produjo el incendio.The fire was caused by somebody\’s carelessness. ▲ to produce, yield, giveNo pienso que el alquiler de la vivienda le produzca a Ud.
Apenas podía caminar de puro fatigado.He was so exhausted he could hardly walk. personal personalEsos son temas personales.Those are personal matters.
Margaret Samson
° pascuas Christmas¡Felices Pascuas! ° estar como unas pascuas to be beaming all over. especial special, particularEs un caso muy particular.It\’s a very special case. ▲ privateEsta es una casa particular.This is a private house. ▲ odd, peculiarEs una persona muy particular.He\’s a very peculiar person. organizar to organizeVan a ordenar el club la próxima semana.They\’re going to organize the club next week.
- ° cuero cabelludo scalpEs una patología del cuero cabelludo.It\’s a scalp disease.
- ▲ to affirm, maintainAsegura que es cierto.He maintains it\’s true.
- fondo bottomLo guardaba en el fondo del cajón.He kept it in the bottom of the drawer.
▲ party, factionPertenecen al mismo partido.They belong to the same party. Would you like to see the football game? ° sacar partido de to profit byEse hombre saca partido de todo.That man profits by everything. pequeña girlCon ese traje parece una niña.You look like a little girl in that dress. ▲ babyNo seas niña.Don\’t be a baby.
▲ branch of a university, schoolSe licenció en la Facultad de Derecho.He graduated from Law School. espera waitDespués de una espera extendida pudimos entrar.We got in after a long wait. ° estar en espera de to be waiting forEstuvimos en espera del barco muchas horas.We were waiting for the boat for many hours.